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Ambien: a perfect solution for powerful night sleep

Ambien is one of the perfect solutions for sleep normalization. It is utilized for patients who suffer from insomnia, night awakenings, or early rising. The medicine combines high efficiency and safety and has gained huge popularity recently. Still, it belongs to the prescription group and the patients should be aware of possible adverse reactions and utilization rules.

Drug Name: Ambien (Generic)
Tablet Strength: 10mg
Best Price: $2.50
Payment: Visa, MasterCard
Shipment: International Delivery Service
RX: Not Required
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The basics of action

Ambien is very close to benzodiazepines in its principle of action. This remedy reveals hypnotic, anticonvulsant, amnestic, anxiolytic, and sedative properties. The active molecule directly affects the benzodiazepine receptors of the second and first types. These interactions occur selectively and the effect of the intake depends on the dose. Thus, smaller dosages help to achieve amnestic, muscle-relaxing, and anxiolytic properties and do not provide a hypnotic effect. In higher doses, Ambien accelerates the process of falling asleep and improves the overall quality of sleep. It should also be noted that the patient's drowsiness does not persist after waking up.


This remedy comes in solid dosage forms and it is utilized according to the following rules: • The pills should be taken only before going to bed. • The standard dosage is 10 mg per day. • For the elderly, the initial dose may be equal to 5 mg. If necessary, it can be doubled. • The maximum daily amount equals 10 mg. The duration of its use should not exceed more than one month. Doctors recommend people with temporary insomnia to use the remedy for 2-5 days, and for severe insomnia – for 14-21 days. If the course lasts for several days, it can be stopped abruptly. If the therapy lasts more than one week, the dose should be reduced gradually to avoid unwanted reactions and withdrawal syndrome.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

How is Ambien tolerated by patients? In most cases, the remedy does not cause negative reactions. However, sometimes patients experience the following undesirable effects: • nausea and vomiting; • diarrhea; • drowsiness, dizziness, and headaches; • amnesia; • pain in the stomach area; • excitement; • nightmares; • somnambulism; • irritability, confusion, aggression, and other unusual behavioral reactions; • skin rash and itching; • liver issues; • muscle weakness; • decreased sexual activity. The list of possible adverse reactions is quite long but they happen rarely. If the remedy is utilized according to the recommendations given, then such problems arise rarely. As for the contraindications, the medicine is prohibited in the following cases: • allergic reactions to active ingredients or benzodiazepines; • severe or acute respiratory failure; • night apnea; • pregnancy and breastfeeding; • severe liver or kidney diseases; • age under 18 years. It should also be noted that people who suffer from depression, as well as alcoholics and drug addicts, should be extremely careful when taking this remedy. Otherwise, it can worsen the already difficult situation of the patient.

A few notes on the utilization

One can easily purchase Ambien at almost any pharmacy after providing a prescription to the pharmacist. The average cost may be considered a bit higher than for other similar remedies. However, the price is fully justified due to the help provided with insomnia and poor sleep. The majority of patients fully agree with the last statement. They respond well to the medication, but only if they take it as prescribed by a doctor and according to the instructions. In their reports, patients claim that this remedy allows them to fall asleep normally and quickly, as well as get a good night's sleep after experiencing stress. However, pills also may have negative side reactions. For example, they can cause undesired effects, which most often develop in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance of the medicine or non-compliance with the administration regimen. The most common adverse effects include headaches, dizziness, nausea, and hallucinations. At the same time, the patient may develop an addiction, especially when combining the remedy with alcoholic beverages. All these features should be taken into account before starting the therapy. The patient should inform the doctor about other medicines that he or she takes, as well as about addiction to other substances or mental disorders. This is taken into account while selecting a dose and regimen of the treatment.

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