Read Real StoriesMoments of truth are personal. They happen in different ways for everyone, and for different reasons. Have you ever wondered about the way other people approach their health and their care? Below, check out stories from real people like you about their experiences with the US health care system and with midwifery care. You can also share your own here. I can't remember when it happened...But after years of being a nurse and childbirth educator I knew without a doubt that midwives provided the best care for childbearing women. As a result my daughters and my daughter in law have had t... Exactly what I wantedWhen I became pregnant, I found a large midwife practice that worked at the hospital where I'd chosen to give birth. The more I read about midwives after that, the more certain I was of my decision an... The CallingI had never heard of a midwife. Growing up, I had never known anyone who knew or had a midwife at their delivery. A friend happened to have a copy of Spiritual Midwifery and I opened it up one day. I ... ![]() Why I became a Nurse Midwife?When I was 22 I met a home birth midwife from Northern California. She was my good friend's sister. I could see that she loved her calling. I went to school to become a nurse midwife in 1982 and gradu... "Pushed" by Jennifer Block Opened my EyesWhen pregnant with my first child, I chose an OB provider because that's what all my friends did and I didn't really know my options. When I started thinking about labor and delivery in my 3rd trimes... when I knew I loved my midwifeDuring my prenatals with my midwife - she spent time talking and listening to me. She helped me to let go of my fears. My mother and brother died in childbirth, my midwife said "you are not your mo... The moment I decided Midwifery was my pathI remember the first moment I knew that baby catching was my calling; the morning my eldest niece was born into this world. I attended UCSC with the goals and ambitions to conquer medical school and ... MD opted for homebirth with midwifeI had my first child in the middle of my medical school training. I was, perhaps, a different sort of medical school student in that I wanted to help people stay healthy and promote the body's natura... I am wellI have always been well, healthy that is and so are most young women. So, of course, I needed someone to help me in my wellness. I like to think of myself as a conquerer of natural childbirth and bre... My Moment of TruthIn retrospect my moment of truth was 32 years ago when my most special of childhood pets, Nana (the dog), gave birth to her puppies. I ran screaming in to my mom's bathroom, where she was preparing he... The Moment AfterI had already chosen and had been seeing my midwife for maternity care, but my moment of truth came hours before birth when the anethesiologist working L&D; tried to bully my midwife into taking me in ... A beautiful tub birth!My midwife helped me birth my son in the most beautiful way. I was so grateful she was there as a calming presence during my tub birth. I will never forget the moment we welcomed my son into the world... My Wonderful MidwivesI am so impressed and fortunate to have worked with my wonderful midwives. I was not pleased with the medical care I had received prior to meeting my midwives and I cannot be happier with the loving a... My Moment of TruthMy moment of truth came when I was 17 years old and was with my sister during her labor and birth of her second daughter. She had a midwife and I decided that day that I NEEDED to become one myself. ... Birthing My WayI’ve been fascinated by the concept of childbirth for many years. By the time I found out I was pregnant, I had already researched everything I could think of about pregnancy and childbirth and I knew... My Wonderful MidwivesI’ve decided to write a short note to express how impressed and fortunate I am to have worked with my wonderful midwives. I was not pleased with the medical care I had received prior to meeting my mid... My Best DecisionWhen I first got pregnant, I didn't have a clue what to do. I found an OB that was close and made some phone calls. After a couple of months I began to look into midwives and was so excited to find on... A better birth...I have had two children. The first birth was a nightmare. We are a military family, and my doctor relocated two days before I gave birth. My beautiful boy entered this world into a room full of strang... ![]() My son's birth and my moment of truthMy moment of truth came as I became a mother for the first time. When I went into labor spontaneously on my due date and excitedly drove with my husband to the hospital, I was met with Pitocin augment... Love My Midwife!!I love my midwife because she is part of our community. Actively involved in a variety of community partnerships, it is so awesome to see her in both the health care aspect of pregnancy but also as a ... This Wasn't at All What I Expected15 years ago, I was brand new nurse and soon to be brand new mother. I had selected an OB/GYN and hospital that belonged to our preferred provider network. I liked him a lot, attended childbirth class... Got me through it!I was having really painful back labor due to a posterior baby. I wanted a drug free birth so my midwife gave me sterile water injections so I could rest. After many hours of laboring, I began to ask ... Midwives are key for a successful unmedicated VBACI went to an ob/gyn when I was pregnant with ny first child because it was the mainstream thing to do and I did not know that I had options. I was treated like I had some medical issue, with unnecessa... I heart midwivesWhen deciding to have children, my initial thought was to have an OB/GYN deliver our child and make it the best experience with whatever drugs would make me comfortable. Then a friend, a naturopath, r... The Birth of my Baby and beyondWhen I got pregnant my husband (who's older than I am and already had a teenage son) encouraged me to read Ina May Gaskin. I didn't know anything about natural birth. I didn't know anything about be... love, compassion, patience, motheringWhere do i begin? I had my 6th child this march and my wonderful midwife took the best care of me. I can only say beautiful words about her. She is more than a midmife,she is now a part of my life. I ... I LOVE MY MIDWIVES!!My first child was born with an OB-GYN. While the doctor was very nice, she was also very set in her ways. She had my water broken just to speed up my labor for her own convenience, not for any medi... My body is not a LemonFirst lets start with my son's birth. I had a C-section with him. It was not the birth I wanted and I was left feeling kinda cheated and struggled with some postpartum depression after that; which I f... Wonderful Birth experienceI switched to a midwife group from a regular OB/GYN Dr's office after feeling like I was "asking too many questions and taking up the Doctor's time." A colleague suggested I try a midwife. I was very ... My Midwife Helped me Have Two VBACsMy Midwife helped me have two successful VBACs. She met me at the hospital, supported me through my labor and delivery and I used hypnobirthing to remain calm. She worked side-by-side with my doula an... Best Choice EverAfter only two appointments at my OB's office I knew I wanted better quality care. I am so thankful to have a midwife here in town that comes highly recommended. I immediately switched to her care and... CNMs gave me the birth experiences of a lifetime!When I had my first son five years ago, there was not a midwife in the hospitals where I was required to deliver (due to insurance). So, I hired a CNM as a montrice because I wanted extra support, no... The only way I would have chosen to have my babiesI'm sure that most of the stories being told on this site are of mothers who have given birth recently. I am an exception. I gave birth to my two children in 1992 and 1993. I had always felt strongly ... I chose a midwife and homebirth.After having a c-section with my first, I wanted a VBAC with number 2. I did lots of research and found that a lot of the interventions carried out during my first labor and delivery may have caused ... Midwife provides my well woman careI had three children by midwife at home the first with a nurse midwife the second and third with lay midwives. I am now perimenopausal and use the nurse midwife at the local birth center for all my we... I Love My MidwivesMy practice has 3 rotating midwives. After beginning my prenatal care with my OB/GYN with whom I had loved for about 10 years, I was crying after leaving the office. I didn't get any support for my de... The Level of Support Is PhenomenalI am currently 32 weeks along with my fourth little blessing and finally got the opportunity to use a midwife! I had been trying for several pregnancies, but being in the military we move a lot and ju... Second child, first time aroundMy decision to choose a mid wife came a moment of realizing that I wanted something different, something better for my second child. Not that my first daughter wasn't of importance, but having my firs... Put at ease!I love my midwife/practitioner, because anytime you go to someone new you never know if they are going to make you feel uncomfortable. But my midwife/practitioner was just the opposite and seriously s... My Cheerleader, My Rock, My Coach, and My FriendTo say that I love my midwife is nothing short of an understatement. She unselfishly gave me the support and encouragement that I needed to confidently obtain a wonderful natural healthy birth for my ... The Best Experience for UsI recently gave birth to my first baby with the assistance of a midwife. After learning we were pregnant, there was not question as to whom we would use for our prenatal care and delivery. My midwife ... My Midwife Saved My LifeI have three little girls. I have had my wonderful CNM since I was 30 weeks pregnant with my first daughter. I am not even sure where to start to say how wonderful she is. When I first contacted my... My Moment of TruthI was 15 years old when I first became interested in the whole process of getting pregnant and giving birth. As I started doing more research in my free time, I discovered midwifery. It was fascinatin... I Instantly Felt Comfortable with HerI was fortunate to learn about midwifery care during my first pregnancy. After personal testimonies from other mothers and following my own research, I decided midwifery care was the way to go. Althou... Moment of TruthMy moment of truth occured in 1978 at age 18 when I worked with several certified nurse midwives at a Natural Childbirthing Center in Douglasville Georgia. I was taught that birth was normal and when ... Exactly the Kind of Care I Was Looking ForI grew up in a normal American home. Anytime there was a health issue, we were sent to the doctor and given meds. My mom went to the hospital for all four of her births (which ALL happened to be cesar... Our Amazing MidwifeOur midwife is the most kind, caring, compassionate midwife you will ever meet. My husband and I loved her from the first meeting we had with her because she respected all of our wishes for our birth,... ![]() Calm EmpowermentWhen I became pregnant with my first child, my sister-in-law, an OB/GYN, suggested that I see a midwife. She so overwhelmingly praised the midwives in her practice that it seemed like the natural choi... Midwife saves the day!!I met this midwife during my third pregnancy. I immediately liked her gentle wisdom and easy presence in the room. I felt I could discuss anything. As the day came for delivery, it turned into a long ... We loved loved our midwifeWe are a lesbian couple and we found the perfect midwife! She spoke to us like normal people and was just beyond amazing! She delivered our baby and did a great job!! She spoke to us in terms we could... The Most Empowering Experience of My Life (Thanks to my Midwives)Before I even became pregnant, I had decided with my husband that we wanted to deliver our baby with a midwife. I am so thankful that we have a wonderful midwifery practice in my city that delivers in... Wonderful birth experienceI didn't have a crazy birth experience. Instead, I had an experience that I loved and that was calm and safe. My midwife was kind and compassionate throughout my prenatal visits. She offered advice an... All about bringing a new family member into the worldWe were having our first child and I was attending a regular OBGYN when around our 20th week visit we decided to switch to a midwife. We felt the doctors were more about getting through patients and m... ![]() So much more than birth supportMy best friend got me thinking about having my first baby at home, but I was nervous about the idea. I'd been raised to believe that birth was a medical event that belonged in a hospital; the media al... Wonderful MidwifeI had always heard about how much better my friends liked their midwife over any OB/GYN they had had in the past. When I first found out I was pregnant we went to the local nurse-midwife for an interv... Losing twin number twoI knew from the time I heard the word midwife that was my calling. But I was still an L&D; nurse when I had a miscarriage. As an educated, midwife to be, "patient", I allowed a resident OB to tug on ... Too Many PrescriptionsChildbirth and pregnancy terrify me. I have known too many people that have shared horrific stories with me. I wanted a different experience. I'm a planner, so I started looking into options long bef... Midwifery Rocks!Because of my awesome natural births in 1987 and 1992, under the care of midwives in-hospital both times, I became an advocate for natural birth. This led me to become a labor-support doula in 1996, ... My Evolution: Hospital to HomebirthDuring my first 2 pregnancies, there weren't even any questions on my mind, really. I'd be in the hospital, on my back, with an epidural and an OB delivering my babies. After those first 2, I starte... Why I became a MidwifeThe time I knew I was called to be a midwife was when I was given the privilege of being present at my sister-in-laws birth at a birthing center. Having had my baby the year previously by cesarean sec... Empowering WomenMy journey to becoming a midwife has had many inspirations and moments of truth including my own birth at home with a midwife 30+ years ago, the wonderful and inspiring midwives who have become my men... My Midwives-Fighting & Supporting for a Natural BirthThis is my first pregnancy and I wasn’t sold on the idea of a midwife or home delivery. I decided I wanted to get care from a doctor until we met with a local midwife. I left the doctor’s office fee... My Well Woman MidwifeSince I was a child I knew that I would have a midwife at the birth of my child, and so it was. I loved every moment of my prenatal care, birth, and post natal experience. When a year passed and I nee... PaternalismI realized my healthcare provider had abused my trust in her to make paternalistic decisions about my contraceptive choices based on outdated evidence and mostly her own judgmental view of my lifestyl... Healthcare and Healing"I can't find a heart beat. I'm sorry, but you have had a spontaneous abortion." I felt hollow and empty as those words echoed inside of my head. No heart beat? How could that be? As I struggled over ... Lights in the Sky1972, a warm night at Muona Mission Hospital, I was looking at the moon, stars and planets, knowing that my family 15,000 miles away was looking at the same moon, but different lights in the sky. Dur... Who's the boss?I chose to have a home birth with midwives because I had no interest in being forced to accept interventions and medications, or being told to lie down or not to eat. I wanted to be fully present fo... ![]() Our search for respectOnce the shock of being pregnant wore off I embraced this new life forming inside of me and I knew I had to do whatever I could to make sure (s)he had the best life possible. I had an appointment to ... My moment that I discovered that women needed a choice.When I was a night shift nurse in labor and delivery in 1990, I worked at a teaching hospital with Ob residents and medical students. Women would come into the hospital in active labor and wanted to w... My Moment of Truth - when I switched to a midwifeI had been seeing the same OB/GYN for over 15 years old. Granted, I moved away for a few years, but when I returned I started seeing him again. Every visit, he was ask "So I see you had a laproscopy... Celebration and not a "Cure"My husband and I chose a midwife and a birthing center to have our baby because the more visits we made to our OB/GYN, the more we felt like we were being treated as "sick" and needing to get better. ... Because Women MatterI believe in the power of women, in their bodies, in their choices, and in their ability to do incredible feats. I believe that birth is beautiful, each and every time. I believe that all women, regar... ![]() It's my body, simple as that.I was diagnosed in 2004 with Crohn's disease. The journey I went on with various doctors gave me some great insight to the medical world. I soon realized that I knew my body better than anyone else. M... Coming full circleMy moment of truth happened 31 years ago. Pregnant with our second child, we knew we wanted a midwife. The birth was amazing and we subsequently had a midwife for our third child. After our children w... Pregnancy and other....It was 1978, and I knew I was going to have a problem with my new health care provider when I walked up to the door of his office just in time for my first appointment and read the sign on the door: ... My body, My babyWords simply do not exist explain the impact that my midwives had on my life. After a 5 year struggle with infertility, I was finally pregnant. It was only when my OB suggested that I just go ahead a... My moment of truthAt 17 I gave birth to twin girls, after a pregnancy that left me feeling powerless, uninformed, cheated, and treated as if I had no choices. With my 2nd pregnancy I sought out something different, so... ![]() My son is 24 yo today!My younger son was born at 3am 24 years ago today into the competent, experienced caring hands of my midwife Nancy C in Brooklyn, NY. My other midwife Joanne M took photos for us of that miraculous d... Birth DayAnd then it was here. The day that was over 9 months in the making. Baby was ready. My midwife had told me months ago that the average first time mom delivered 11 days past her due date. Well, here I ... My Moment of TruthMy life has been a series of breadcrumbs, constantly leading me toward my goals. There are rarely bold signs, but usually little morsels tugging and guiding along the way. When I was 16, I wanted to... ![]() The Moment I Knew I Could Be a MidwifeAs a hospital nurse, I was often advocating for my clients, a mediator between them and their various healthcare providers. One afternoon as a labor and delivery nurse, I heard a mother screaming and ... ![]() My Midwife Gave Me ChoicesWithin a matter of weeks after finding out I was pregnant, I chose to see a group of certified nurse-midwives who attended births at a freestanding birth center as well as a nearby hospital. It was th... My Moment of TruthMy mother had shared my birth story with me. It involved ridicule, nausea and vomiting, being tied to a table, forceps, separation. She also shared me brother's story, which was even sadder. These wer... ![]() "Oh, You Want to Talk? I'll Get a Midwife."When my fluid was leaking with my first daughter (38 weeks) and the doctor wanted to immediately induce me even though I was fine, the baby was fine, the monitors were fine, we said, "Well, can we tal... My Midwife MentorI had worked in labor and delivery as an RN for many years and was feeling, lets just say, "frustrated". Then the hospital I worked for hired a fantastic midwife to help manage the deck. What a brea... Giving women options and supporting autonomyI decided to become a midwife after witnessing birth at an Amish settlement. Women had options in where and how they chose to birth. I wanted to also provide these options for other women. ... Finally, a MidwifeMy first child was born on a military base. I gained 70 lbs during the pregnancy and distinctly remember comments such as "your blood pressure is a little high" and "you're spilling glucose in your ur... My moment of truthI am from Nepal, and I came to United States to pursue further education. As long as I remember, I have always wanted to make a difference in the field of women's health. However, I did not then know ... |